
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2021

English Language Challenges

 I was very excited at first to take english. I was able to go straight to the fourth level because I did well on the enlglish test before getting into college. It was very sad that i took this subject online, I would have loved to take it as an in-person class, but it just wasn't the case. With that said, I think the teacher was very nice, she always though about us as HUMAN BEINGS and students that have other things to do. I was very glad for that because it would have been terrible if the teacher was the kind of person that thinks his subject is the only one in the whole school (I took 8 subjects this semester so I was very scared for that) but I was so lucky and happy that I had a very good time.  For medical reasons, I wasn't able to go to every class, also, I started to have in-person class of a subject that I have at thursday in the morning, so it was almost always impossible to me to get to my house and arrive at the time of the class.  About the use of the blog, I thin

Changes to the study program

I am, right now, studying third year of journalism at Universidad de Chile, but it feels like I have been at this college for, like, eight years. I am actually tired of this and the only thing I really want to do is finish this whole process. But of course, I still have, at least, three more years to go.  As I have been here for this long, I think I can say that the course has its positives and negatives. I’m gonna focus on some things I think can change in our Journalism School.  I think one of the things that is missing in this course are more practices: the working environment in journalism can be tough sometimes, and only one practice in the whole career is very little and I think it won’t make us be really prepared for the reality of the profession.  In other ways, I think the are serious failures in our curriculum related to english. I don't know if the solution is to have more english subjects (english 5/6/7) or take the ones that already exist and make those more complex. B

Time Travel to the future

  My perspective on the future of this planet is very negative. I think that it's way more certain that the human race will destroy most part of themselves slowly and painfully instead of saving themselves: we can already see that, with the amount of changes in the environment that we caused. That is why I would not like to travel to the future, at least not in the next one hundred years, or more.  I think that at some point, most part of us will die and just some of us will survive. After that, human race will have to be able to start again at some point. What some people suggest is that the salvation of human race is not in saving the earth, but going to space and living on other planet, like Mars (that sounds quite similar to a certain book I read...). I think that could happen at some point, but people can't deceive themselves: only a few will be able to travel to Mars, because it is and will continue to be for a long time a very, very expensive traveling, only for the rich