Changes to the study program

I am, right now, studying third year of journalism at Universidad de Chile, but it feels like I have been at this college for, like, eight years. I am actually tired of this and the only thing I really want to do is finish this whole process. But of course, I still have, at least, three more years to go. 

As I have been here for this long, I think I can say that the course has its positives and negatives. I’m gonna focus on some things I think can change in our Journalism School. 

I think one of the things that is missing in this course are more practices: the working environment in journalism can be tough sometimes, and only one practice in the whole career is very little and I think it won’t make us be really prepared for the reality of the profession. 

In other ways, I think the are serious failures in our curriculum related to english. I don't know if the solution is to have more english subjects (english 5/6/7) or take the ones that already exist and make those more complex. But the level of English could be higher, and I think we could have changes in that subject. I'm not saying this is the teachers fault, I think the faculty says to them what they have to teach to the students.


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